Stay My Child

Stay My Child

Jenette Nelson,
Mother of Ann Nicole Nelson

Stay with me,my child,stay-
Don’t leave my arms to run and play.
Let me stroke your soft brown hair
As we gently sway our rocking chair.

Let’s hum and coo as the time goes by,
let’s watch the clouds drift through the sky.
Let me kiss your smooth pink cheek
As from your blanket you do peek.

Stay my child, stay with me-
linger near about my knee-
Play with your toys and smile alot
Enjoy yourself, but leave me not.

For far too soon life’s cares will call
and you will answer one and all-
You will run to meet each new day,
but for now -stay, please stay.

Our time is short,but our love is strong,
to be together can’t be wrong-
Let’s shut the world out now today.
Stay with me child, stay.

Fate will tear us soon apart-
It will break your Mother’s heart
For it will take you to the other side,
leaving me here,- wishing I had died.

Yes, fate will take you far from me-
into the clouds for eternity.
When it calls, you must go
I must stay -here below.

You will fly away from me-
I will mourn eternally.
Until my time of death comes too-
and I can again be with you.

When we have both fought our fight

and entered into the the great White Light,

then I can finally really say-

stay with me , my child ,stay.

Life's Plan

She can fly and she can flutter-
She can be with us here at will.
She has conquered life and death.

No more can terror kill.

Her passing will be noted
By all the Sons of Man,
For it was written in the beginning
When she and God did write her plan.

To every life there is a purpose-
For every life there is a plan
That is made with God, the Father,
To refine the souls of Man. cont.