2012 Messages

"Annie's House" Groundbreaking and Other Messages

Posted by Sue Voigt, October 2012:

CBS News posted September 11, 2012, reported by Chip Reid

Annie's House built in honor of 9/11 victim's bucket list

In honor of Ann Nelson who died in the attacks on 9/11, the "New York Says Thank You" charity helped organize and build "Annie's House" - an 11,000 squarefoot ski lodge, built to accommodate disabled children and injured U.S. troops. Click here to watch the video 


Posted by Sue Voigt, June 2012:

Scott Wagar, the Editor of the Bottineau Courant in Bottineau, North Dakota, recently wrote a story on the groundbreaking ceremony at the Bottineau Winter Park for Annie's House. Click here to read the article.

Journey to Annie's House from GST Multidistrict on Vimeo.


Posted by Jeff Parness, June 2012:

Annie’s House has ALREADY succeeded!

Mary Stammen who organized the trip for all those amazing special needs kids who came from the Fargo/Grand Forks area to the Annie’s House groundbreaking ceremony sent me the  video above on Vimeo.

It shows the kids peddle boating on Lake Metigoshe, hiking, breaking ground at Annie’s House, and enjoying the Peace Garden on their way home.
What Mary impressed upon me was that none of these kids had ever done anything like this before. They never left their home town. Never explored new places. Never got to ride the LONG bus.

Wait till you see the picture of Andy, the boy in the wheelchair who could barely pick up his head – riding in the peddle boat!
Annie was all about showing these type of precious kids that THERE IS SO MUCH MORE OUT THERE IN THE WORLD FOR THEM TO SEE AND EXPERIENCE.

We have already won.

Now we just need to build the building.

Enjoy the video. I guarantee you it will be the best 15 minutes you spend today.

Jeff Parness
Founder and Chairman
The New York Says Thank You Foundation




Posted by Jenette Nelson, May 2012:

Happy Birthday Darling!

You had your biggest party ever this year. 250 attended.The color guard opened the ceremony, 8 speakers spoke about you, Courtney Smith Sang -- as did a 60 piece children's choir and 41 balloons blew up to heaven as we sang Happy Birthday. The ground breaking included 9 kids from Mary's unit, but I am sure you know all this, because I could tell that you were there.

Love, Mom


Posted by Sue Voigt, May 2012:

Dear Ann,


Although I have never had the opportunity to meet you in person, because I have become so intricately involved in managing your website (which is an honor), I feel as though I know you well. Well enough in fact that I feel as though we are friends, since I know so much about you. In some ways, you have changed my outlook on life and I thank you for that.


I have had the privilege to speak with your Mother and Father on several occasions and I know how deeply they miss you. I know it gives them comfort that your presence is always around them. All of you were very fortunate to have each other.


Until we do meet,

Loving regards,

Sue Voigt